Discover the Fascinating World of Flying Fish in Hawaii

Experience the Magic of Hawaii's Flying Fish Introduction: A Tale of the Sea's Acrobat It was a calm, sunny morning on the Leeward Coast of Oahu, a place where the gentle waves kiss the shore and the vibrant marine life thrives beneath the surface. As a group of curious tourists set out on a private [...]

Discover the Fascinating World of Flying Fish in Hawaii2024-06-10T03:41:01+10:00

June 2023 Sighting of Cluster 3 Hawaiian False Killer Whales

  Last week naturalists on our Best of the West charter were squealing in delight over a recent sighting that was a first for many onboard.  Ashley Loveday, divemaster onboard the Wild Side Specialty Tours charter said, “We had heard of false killer whales about two miles outside of Makaha Beach, so we shot over [...]

June 2023 Sighting of Cluster 3 Hawaiian False Killer Whales2023-06-28T04:33:09+10:00

When is Oahu Whale Watching Season?

Whale watching season in Hawaii? Hawaii humpback whale season (when we are seeing them daily) is mid December-ish through mid April-ish. The first seasonal humpback whale sightings have been in early October. We've seen them (very sporadically) as late as June. Do know that dolphin season with multiple species including toothed whales (sperm whales!) is [...]

When is Oahu Whale Watching Season?2024-05-14T09:12:24+10:00

Swimming with Dolphins Oahu

Swimming with Dolphins - Wetiquette: In their world, on their terms. The naturalist crew at Wild Side Oahu guides you to blend with the pod, giving you the ultimate floating/swimming with dolphins experience. There are 17 species of offshore dolphins on Oahu to see and swim with by boat. The best odds of swimming [...]

Swimming with Dolphins Oahu2024-06-03T16:45:03+10:00

Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse

A cleaning service for clients The Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse (right), Labroides phthirophagus. In the vibrant underwater world of coral reefs, a fascinating character reigns supreme: The Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse, the unsung hero of reef hygiene and harmony. Nestled in a bustling corner of Reef Crest, Mr. Labroides phthirophagus  aka Cleaner Wrasse operates his [...]

Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse2024-06-12T00:17:45+10:00

Marine Wildlife Field Settings

One of the key factors in achieving success in marine wildlife photography is understanding camera settings. We've put together some useful tips and tricks that will help you understand the different camera settings when out on the ocean and how to use them effectively to capture stunning marine wildlife photos on our wildlife photography tours. [...]

Marine Wildlife Field Settings2024-06-10T10:52:17+10:00

How To Teach Small Kids to Snorkel

How to Teach Small Kids to Snorkel   "Under the Sea"-- that's where you should be, when you travel to places with coral and beautiful fish-life. Everyone should snorkel, and with a little effort, here's how to teach small kids to snorkel. Difficulty: N/A Time Required: 1 to 2 hours Here's How: Start your snorkel lessons in [...]

How To Teach Small Kids to Snorkel2024-05-14T16:59:30+10:00

Dolphins in Hawaiian Culture

Dolphins in Hawaiian Culture Dolphins, or naiʻa in Hawaiian culture, hold a special place in the traditions and beliefs of the Hawaiian people. They are considered to be intelligent and graceful creatures, often associated with positive attributes and revered in various aspects of Hawaiian mythology and daily life. Personal Accounts condensed from NOAA's 2016 Public Scoping [...]

Dolphins in Hawaiian Culture2024-06-16T07:10:16+10:00

Humpback Whale Breach

Humpback Whale Breach Series, Oahu Hawaii, Whale Watching Whale Breach! Everyone’s favorite! A powerful acrobatic display where the humpback uses its tail to launch itself out of the water. With just a few pumps of its tail, the humpback can propel its entire body into the air, landing back onto the surface with a resounding [...]

Humpback Whale Breach2024-04-24T09:26:09+10:00

Citizen Science Oahu | Nature Tour to Malama Hawaii

Citizen Science Oʻahu, Mālama Hawaiʻi In Hawai‘i, we have a proverb that says “He aliʻi ka ʻāina, he kauwā ke kanaka”: “The land is a chief, and man is its servant.” In our worldview, there is no separation between nature and people; just as the sea takes care of us, we take care of the [...]

Citizen Science Oahu | Nature Tour to Malama Hawaii2024-06-17T05:25:36+10:00
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