Wild Dolphin Swim Wetiquette

In their world, on their terms. The naturalist crew at Wild Side guides you to blend with the pod, giving you the ultimate floating/swimming with dolphinsswimming with whales and dolphins Oahu experience. There are 17 species of offshore dolphins in Hawaii to see and swim with by boat (swimming with nearshore spinner dolphins is illegal.). The best odds of swimming with spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and pilot whales are on small group private or shared tours. Having lots of experience with these dolphins and whales is also critical to attaining bucket list wild dolphin swims. Our biologist/naturalist crew has been facilitating safe personalized dolphin encounters for over 25 years.

Please review the complete page before your tour. We reserve the right to not facilitate in-water OR above water encounters which may compromise wildlife or human safety.

Are YOU ready to swim with wild dolphins?

  • Remember, RESPECT is the key to any interaction. All wildlife must initiate any interaction and they have the right to terminate it. Let go of expectations.
  • BE AWARE of the dolphin’s position and behaviors from the time we first see them. Be ready to enter the water quickly and also exit the water quickly when guided to do so. Know where to turn your eyes, timing is often critical.
  • Take your cues from the dolphin behavior and movements. Dolphins communicate with body language, and distance. Think smart when swimming with or near them. When honoring your own limits and theirs, your experience of swimming with them will be optimized.
  • LOOK under the water and scan the water column once the dolphins are near enough. Look below and down to the left and right behind you. The dolphins may swim right underneath or beside you. You will miss this if you are looking above the water. Check in and keep an ear above the water to listen for your guide.
  • Be responsible for your actions and stay within your own limits. Parallel the pod, staying in “your lane”. This way you aren’t ‘chasing’ (changing the dolphins speed or course) or disturbing important activities such as feeding, courtship or nursing. Simply share space and observe as a “fly on the wall”.
  • If a dolphin comes near enough to do so, do not reach out to touch. Wild dolphins have a very acute sense of touch, and grabbing at a dolphin is guaranteed to push them away. Take nothing but pictures, touch nothing but hearts, leave nothing but bubbles.
  • LISTEN to your Naturalist. They have many years of experience with these particular dolphins. HOWEVER if they ask you to do something beyond your comfort level (for example you are tired and don’t want to get in the water, etc.), you are encouraged to stay onboard or to get back onboard. You are ultimately responsible for your actions.
  • The main message? Look, listen and blend with the pod.
  • REMEMBER We are visitors to the dolphins ocean home and should not abuse their welcome. Reciprocate with respect.

If you are not a good swimmer, have fears or other limitations, please let us know and we can work with you to either remain onboard where you may have a much better view and experience, or we will help as much as possible to raise your comfort level.